Referring Students

Help students understand that the Writing Commons is here to help them improve as writers, not to fix their papers for them. We will work with your students to help them develop the skills and habits that will make them better writers throughout their lives, not only for your class.

The Writing Commons offers one-on-one writing help in 45-minute tutoring sessions, a website with writing resources, an online writing lab, and mini-lessons on common writing, revising, and editing challenges.

Appointments at the Writing Commons can fill more than a week in advance. Please advise your students to plan ahead, and to schedule sessions on our website.

The tutors at the Writing Common offer the following ideas for encouraging your students to make the most of our services and to develop as writers:

  • Suggest, rather than require, your students to come to the writing commons.
    Students will get much more out of their sessions if they come to the Writing Commons because they want to.
  • Reward students for trying.
    When you know a student has come to the writing commons for help with a project, reinforce their initiative in some way. Anything from a word of praise, to an expression of interest in their session, to a chance for extra credit will tell the students you value their efforts to improve.
  • Discuss writing in progress with students.
    To many students, the process of moving a project from idea to finished product is mysterious. As an experienced, published writer, you have insight to offer.
  • Discuss your own writing projects with students.
    Help them to understand how people in your field write.

The Writing Commons peer tutors can help students with everything they must do between the time a faculty member assigns a piece of writing and the time she collects it.