Global Education

Barbara Wien, senior professorial lecturer in the School of International Service at American University in Washington D.C., teaches a workshop in Kigali, Rwanda at Peace Education in an Era of Crisis, global peace conference.

Barbara J. Wien, a senior professorial lecturer in the School of International Service at American University in Washington, D.C., where she teaches alternatives to war and violence, was fresh out of college when she made her first visit to what was then, լƵAPP’s Center for Peaceful Change. She was both a keynote workshop presenter and an active participant in the Kent State-sponsored conference, “Peace Education in an Era of Crisis,” which took place July 11-13 in Kigali.


Kent State graduate student Camille Tinnin gives a presentation on peace through storytelling, on July 12 at Peace Education in an Era of Crisis, a global peace conference being sponsored by լƵAPP, the University of Rwanda and the Aegis Trust.

A trio of լƵAPP students took the lessons they learned on an education-abroad trip to Colombia last year and used them as a framework for promoting peace education practices at a global peace conference in Kigali, Rwanda. 

Molly Merryman presenting at a global peace conference in Rwanda

A host of լƵAPP faculty and students took center stage at a global peace conference on July 12 in Kigali, Rwanda, sharing their knowledge and research with delegates from more than a dozen countries and as well as the U.S.

Students from Mexico at Kent State for an exchange program to research sustainable agriculture visit Martha's Farm in Ashland, Ohio in June.

For the second year in a row, students from լƵAPP and Universidad Panamericana in Mexico City have taken part in an international exchange to continue their research on food production, cultural preservation and economic inclusion. 

Brian Johnson, programming director for Black United Students, traveled to Israel with Hillel Jewish campus organization

Senior Brian Johnson traveled to Israel Jan. 3-13 with a group of 19 student leaders with the Student Leaders Trip to Israel sponsored by Hillel, a Jewish campus organization.

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