Vendor Requests

With proper sponsorship, vendors may utilize lobby space at Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵAPP at Stark for sales and/or solicitation purposes. Sales and solicitation by non-university groups at Kent State Stark is only permitted inside the Kent State Stark Campus Center upper-level (or other location with the Business Services Administrator's approval). Please refer to this information when making arrangements for future programming at Kent State Stark.


All vendors wishing to utilize Kent State Stark lobby tables for sales and solicitation purposes must obtain a campus sponsor. It is the responsibility of the vendor to recruit your own sponsor. This sponsor acts as a liaison between the vendor and the university and is responsible for reserving your table space with the Business Services Office.


Your sponsor is responsible for reserving, canceling and changing your space reservation with the Business Services Office. Special note: Your sponsor must check you in each morning with the Business Services Office.


Tables are assigned in the order of application, as available. A maximum of one table per day may be requested per group with a maximum of three (3) groups per day. Each group may only request a maximum total of two (2) days per semester. Vendors are not permitted to solicit or approach customers from any area other than the table location.


The sale or distribution of food, beverages and other ingestible products is governed by policy and procedure statements and is NOT PERMITTED without receiving prior written approval from the Business Services Administrator.


You are renting a 6x8 ft. lobby space. One 6 ft. table and two chairs will be made available in your scheduled lobby space. Additional equipment (chalkboards, VCRs) may be requested by your sponsor for an additional fee. Vendors may bring in one clothing rack provided it does not impede the free flow of traffic, create potential fire hazards and must fit within the allotted 6x8 ft. space. Table top displays are permitted; use of additional tables is NOT permitted.


Each vendor will be assessed a $25 per day rental charge, plus additional fees for required equipment. Additionally, if the lobby area is left in poor condition (i.e., excess paper, cardboard, trash) you will be charged a clean-up fee (minimum $15). It is required that the Vendor Fee and Vendor Permit Agreement be submitted two weeks prior to the scheduled date. Non-profit community service organizations can request an exemption of the fee on a case by case basis.


Vendors may utilize the lower level loading dock to load/unload their materials. Please contact the Business Services Office to request a cart and to have doors unlocked. If assistance is requested with loading/unloading, you will be charged $15 per hour for labor if available (1 hour minimum). Unfortunately, due to space limitations, Kent State Stark cannot provide overnight storage for your materials.


Cancellations should be given to the Business Services Office at 330-244-3231 as soon as possible. If a table is scheduled and not used within one hour of the time reserved, the table can be reassigned to another group for the remaining available time on that day. The vendor is still held responsible for the facility rental incurred due to non-cancellation.