Beyond Compliance

Look for the BC label

Beyond Compliance (BC) is an initiative that provides annual training for Kent State faculty and staff. Since 2014, Beyond Compliance ensures that faculty and staff are fully up-to-date and aware of the relevant laws and university policies regarding discrimination, harassment and violence prevention.

Two hours of BC training are required of all staff annually, and strongly encouraged for Tenure Track/Full-Time Non Tenure-Track faculty. One of your two annual BC hours should be a gender-based discrimination or harassment course (formerly known as Title IX Beyond Compliance).

BC Sessions Offered Through Kent State

A variety of trainings and webinars available through Kent State have been assigned Beyond Compliance status.


External BC Courses

Kent State Training & Development works with Vector Solutions (formally SafeColleges) to provide a variety of self-paced BC webinars. Content includes Title IX, ethics, FERPA, HIPAA and more. All the courses available on Vector are eligible for Beyond Compliance credit.

Note—BC hours are rounded to the nearest half hour. For example, if a Vector course is 23 minutes, the viewer would receive 30 minutes of BC credit.

Why Beyond Compliance?

Beyond Compliance provides annual training for Kent State faculty and staff to make sure they are fully up-to-date and aware of relevant laws and university policies related to discrimination, harassment and violence prevention. The broader theme centers on building a culture of care. Kent State continues to hold the highest standards for ensuring our workforce remains one of the best. We do this by respecting the differences in people, ideas and opinions, and by prohibiting discrimination.

An initiative such as this keeps the university compliant with Title IX and The Campus SaVE Act, part of the 2013 reauthorized Violence Against Women Act.  While regular training regarding other forms of discrimination and harassment is not required by law on an annual basis, a practice such as Beyond Compliance is considered a "best practice" for effective prevention.  

How are topics selected?

Human Resources collaborates with many university partners to offer various topics. Contact hrd@kent.edu if you have a topic or campus initiative for consideration.