University Closure Policy

Dear Members of the Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵAPP Community, 

One of our roles as university leaders is recommending cancellations and closures due to severe weather.

While the safety of our people is our priority, in general, the university does not close or cancel classes because of cold weather, winter ice and/or snow. However, on rare occasions, weather conditions may delay or cancel classes, or close campus. (Note: Kent State’s campuses will all follow the general guidelines below, but each campus makes its own decision based on weather conditions).

When inclement weather threatens or extreme cold prevails, we expect to announce our actions by 5:30 a.m. for morning and all-day cancellations, 10 a.m. for afternoon classes and 3 p.m. for evening classes. In general, our decision will be guided by the condition of major roadways, campus roadways and sidewalks, and by our ability to plow our parking lots. For extreme cold, we typically will delay or cancel when the wind chill reaches (or is predicted to reach) -20 degrees Fahrenheit for an extended period. 

There are several ways to learn about delays, class cancellations or campus closings:

  • Flash ALERTS, which anyone who has provided us with a domestic cellphone number will receive. Find out how to set your campus preferences.
  • An email to your @kent.edu email account.
  • Kent State website. A red bar containing an announcement will appear on the top of the homepage if there is a cancellation or closing.
  • Television and radio broadcasts.

Below are additional points to keep in mind:

  • We understand that on bad weather days some areas on campus may require additional attention. Please help identify those areas on the Kent Campus by calling 330-672-2345 or the main office for Regional Campuses.
  • When classes are canceled, university services remain open. This means that staff members are expected to report to work as usual.
  • Employees and commuting students should always use sound personal judgments regarding the safety of their travel when deciding whether or not to report to work or classes. Students must arrange to make up missed work promptly; university leave policy governs the reporting and recording of work absences.
  • When driving in the snow, please warm up your car before driving, allow extra travel time to get to your destination and go slow.
  • Students in special classes, such as clinical rotations, should consult with their dean on the appropriate procedures for an early morning delay or cancellation.
  • A closing order from the governor’s office applies to state office buildings and other state employees in the field. Colleges and universities do not fall into this category.

Additional Information Concerning Classes

Kent State will continue to use Flash ALERTS to inform faculty, staff and students when severe weather requires the university to close. In these rare instances, classes taught in person will not be held in person, but classes offered through online formats will continue as scheduled. Although in-person classes will not take place on campus, at their discretion, instructors teaching in-person courses may consider conducting a synchronous remote session – and recording those sessions to make them available for students not able to connect – and/or assigning appropriate asynchronous work. Instructors should inform students before the class is scheduled to begin by email or Canvas about the expectations for their participation. 

Please be safe as you travel this winter and Go Flashes!

Melody Tankersley, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President and Provost

Mark M. Polatajko, Ph.D., CPA
Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration