Academic Engagement Verification Roster

In compliance with federal regulations, լƵAPP is required to determine whether students have participated in their classes.

The Academic Engagement Verification Roster (AEV) lists all students who were enrolled for this course on or after the course start date.

This population includes students who dropped or withdrew from this course.  All students on the roster must be updated regardless of their registration status. The Academic Engagement Verification Roster will be used to ensure that Title IV aid is properly disbursed to Kent State students. This roster does not require attendance be taken in KSU courses but does require the primary instructor to verify that students have engaged at least once in the course. 


What is Academic Engagement?

Academic engagement is determined by a student's engagement in at least one academically related activity. The following are some examples of acceptable academically related activities:

  • Attending a synchronous class, lecture, recitation, or field or laboratory activity, physically or online, where there is an opportunity for interaction between the instructor and students
  • Submitting an academic assignment
  • Completing an interactive tutorial, webinar, or other interactive computer-assisted instruction
  • Interacting with an instructor about academic matters
  • Participating in a study group, group project, or an online discussion that is assigned by the institution
  • Taking an assessment or an exam
  • Participating in any other instructional activity related to a student's course of study

Academically related activities do NOT include:

  • Logging into an online class without active participation
  • Participating in academic counseling or advisement

Academic attendance and attendance at an academically-related activity do not include activities where a student may be present, but not academically engaged.

What is the Class List?

The class list is the course roster. 

  • Each roster displays up to 50 students on each record set. If there are more than 50 students in the course section, there will be multiple record sets.  Each record set must be updated and submitted separately.
  • The student's name appears as a hyperlink and will open an email in the user's default email program. If a student has restricted the release of their directory information, the word "confidential" will be indicated after their name.
  • AEV information is not considered directory information. Please refer to the Policy Register on the release of student information.
  • The Registration Status shows each student's current state in the course.  The AEV does contain students who have subsequently dropped or withdrawn as of the first day of the class.  All students must be updated regardless of their registration status.
  • Flexible Start (i.e., Math Emporium) courses will have the start date of each student registered.  You may not record an Academic Engagement until the student's start date.
  • Comments may be made on each student.
Example of the APV Class List section
Where is the AEV located?

From within FlashLine, the AEV can be found in the Grading Resources section of the Faculty Dashboard. The AEV can also be found in FlashFAST on the Faculty Menu.

Who is Responsible for Completing the AEV?

All listed instructors will have access to view the AEV. Only the primary instructor of the course section is able to update the AEV. Other listed instructors including teaching assistants, graduate assistants, and others will have view-only access to the AEV.

When Does the AEV Open and Close?

When Does the AEV Open for Update?

The AEV opens on the first day of class for the course section. To determine the open date, please check the AEV for that course section.  

Example of the APV Roster Open Date

When is the AEV Due?

Each course section will have its own due date.  To determine the due date, please check the AEV for that course section.

Note: Primary instructors, department chairs, and deans will receive biweekly email notifications of outstanding rosters.

Example showing when the APV is due
How is the AEV used?

How is the Verification Section Used?

Instructors must select at least one academically related activity that was used to determine a student's engagement. The selected verification methods apply to all students. If the academically related activity used is not listed, enter the method describing the activity in the textbox in the verification section.  If you choose "Participating in any other instructional activity related to a student's course of study", additional text is required.

Example of the APV Verification Section

How is the Roster Summary Used?

The Roster Summary identifies the overall number of students marked as Not Reported, Not Started and Started. Click on each available status to view the students that match that academic engagement. If a filter has been selected, clicking "Show All Students" will return the user to the complete listing.

AEV screenshot of roster summary

How to Use the AEV

How do I Submit the AEV?

After selecting all appropriate verification methods and updating student statuses, click "Submit Changes to this Page" to submit the AEV. If there are more than 50 students in the course section, there will be multiple record sets.  Each record set must be updated and submitted separately.

Example of the APV Submit button

When is the AEV Complete?

After submitting the AEV, its completion can be verified by reviewing the Roster Summary.  Once complete, the "Students Marked as Not Reported" will be 0. There will be a green checkmark displayed to confirm completion.

What are the Academic Engagement Statuses?

Academic Engagement Statuses: Not Reported, Not Started, Started

All students are defaulted to an Academic Engagement of "Not Reported." Each student must be updated to an Academic Engagement status of "Not Started" or "Started."  The roster is not complete, until there are 0 students marked as "Not Reported."

  • "Started" should be selected when a student has participated in at least one academically related activity.
  • "Not Started" should be selected when a student has not participated in at least one academically related activity. "Not Started" will automatically assign the administrative mark of NF (Never Attended-Fail) to the student and update the final and midterm grades.
  • If the student has stopped attending the course, the AEV Status should remain as "Started" and the administrative mark of SF (Stopped Attending-Fail), as well as the Last Attend Date, must be entered on the Final/Midterm Grade Roster.

Can All Students be Marked as 'Started'?

Selecting "Mark ALL students on this page as STARTED" will update the Academic Engagement for each student on the page to started.  This action will update any student whose current status is "Not Reported."  If there are multiple record sets for this AEV, only the current record set will be updated.

Example of the APV Mark All As Started button
How are the NF and SF Marks Entered in Relation to the AEV?

The NF (Never Attended-Fail) administrative mark denotes that the student never attended one class session nor did the student formally withdraw from the course. The NF administrative mark will count as an F (zero quality points) in computing grade point averages and will not count towards the calculation of time status (full-time, three-quarter time, etc). The administrative mark of NF can only be entered via the Academic Engagement Verification Roster by marking a student as "Not Started" and cannot be updated via the midterm or the final grade rosters.  Students who are not currently enrolled or are not gradable (including students who have dropped, have withdrawn, or are auditing the course) will not have their final or midterm updated by the AEV.

The SF (Stopped Attending-Fail) administrative mark denotes that the student stopped attending the course and did not formally withdraw. The SF administrative mark will count as an F (zero quality points) in computing grade point averages and will not count towards the calculation of time status (full-time, three-quarter time, etc).  The SF administrative mark must be accompanied by a date of last attendance in the course. Faculty who cannot determine the exact date of last attendance may use the date of the last academic activity in which students participated. The SF can only be entered via the midterm and/or final grade rosters.  Students who have received the SF administrative mark will not lose their access to Canvas.

FAQs and Troubleshooting

How do I Remove the NF?

The NF (Never Attended-Fail) administrative mark can only be entered via the Academic Engagement Verification Roster by marking a student as "Not Started”.  To remove the NF, the primary instructor must mark the student as “Not Reported” or “Started” on the AEV, as appropriate.  

How do I Remove a "Not Started" Student From my Canvas Course?

When the "Not Started" option is submitted, the grade of Never Attended-Fail (NF) will be applied to the student's record. The student’s access to the Canvas course is not affected.

To remove a student from the Canvas course who is marked as “Not Started”, instructors must manually deactivate the student from the Canvas course. When the “Started” option is submitted, the student’s Canvas access is retained. However, if the student was previously manually deactivated, the instructor must reactivate the student.

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What if a Student has Dropped or Withdrawn From my Course?

The Registration Status shows each student's current state in the course.  The AEV does contain students who have subsequently dropped or withdrawn as of the first day of the class.  All students on the roster must be updated to either "Started" or "Not Started" regardless of their registration status.

Common Error Messages

Please Select at Least One Verification Method

This error message is seen when attempting to submit the AEV without first having selected a Verification Method. To successfully submit, the roster select a Verification Method and click "Submit Changes to this Page."

Example of the APV select one verification method error

No Changes to the Academic Engagement Verification Roster Were Made

This error message is seen when the "Submit Changes to this Page" button is clicked and no changes were made prior to the attempted submission. To successfully submit the roster, make all necessary changes prior to submitting the APV.

Example of the APV No Changes error message

Changes you Made May Not be Saved

This error message is seen when attempting to go to another record set within the AEV or another page within FlashFAST after changes have been made but prior to a successful submission. To successfully submit the roster, stay on the page and click "Submit Changes to this Page" prior to moving to another record set or page. 

Error message when APV changes are not going to be saved if you leave the page.