Tenure and Promotion of TT faculty

The policies and procedures for tenure are included in the University policy and procedures regarding Faculty tenure (See, University Policy Register 3342-6-14) and the policies and procedures for promotion are included in the University policy and procedures regarding Faculty promotion (See, University Policy Register 3342-6-15).  Each academic year, tenure and promotion guidelines for Kent and Regional Campus Faculty are distributed by the Office of the Provost.

Faculty members are expected to hold membership in professional societies, attend, participate in, or organize seminars, workshops, and conferences, with a view to enhancing their professional competency.   For Kent campus Faculty, there is an expectation of regular solicitation of extramural funding. It is recognized that a Faculty member's specific area of specialization may be a factor in the number and size of grants received and in the scope and time required for research and the resulting publications. 

Tenure and promotion are separate decisions.  The granting of tenure is a decision that plays a crucial role in determining the quality of university Faculty and the national and international status of the University.  The awarding of tenure must be based on convincing documented evidence that the Faculty member has achieved a significant body of scholarship that has had an impact on her/his discipline, has demonstrated excellence as a teacher, and has provided effective service.  The candidate is also expected to continue and sustain, over the long term, a program of high quality research, teaching, and citizenship relevant to the missions of the Department and the University.  To evaluate consistency, tenure considerations will include evaluation of accomplishments prior to arrival at լƵAPP, as well as grant proposals submitted but not funded, proposals pending, papers “in review” or “accepted,” graduate students currently advised, and any other materials that may reflect on the candidate’s potential for a long-term successful career.  The tenure decision is based on all of the evidence available to determine the candidate’s potential to pursue a productive career.

On the other hand, promotion is recognition based on a candidate’s accomplishments completed during the review period. In making promotion evaluations, the research record will be judged more narrowly than in tenure evaluations. For example, judgments will be based on papers published and “accepted,” with no weight being given to papers “in review.” While it is an expectation that candidates actively pursue extramural funding, only grants received or grants accepted will be counted for promotion purposes. Finally, graduate students graduated during the review period will be taken into consideration, but current students will not.

Consideration for promotion to Professor differs from consideration for promotion to Associate Professor.  Promotion to Associate Professor is recognition for establishing a career likely to achieve national/international prominence as evidenced by papers published or accepted for publication in the refereed high quality scientific literature, significant monographs published or accepted for publication, extramural grants received or approved, journal editorship, presentations at national and international conferences, graduate students graduated, etc.  Promotion to Professor recognizes the highest level of university achievement and national/international prominence.  Evidence is required of increased impact on the field, including a sustained record of solicitation of extramural funding from highly competitive funding sources, with some success.

Many factors and criteria, both subjective and objective, are considered in recommending a Faculty member for tenure and advancement in academic rank..  A sound ethical approach to all aspects of teaching, research, publication, and the academic profession is expected of all who seek tenure and promotion in the Department.