Graduate Assistantships

Students in the master's and doctoral graduate programs may apply for graduate assistantships (although master’s assistantships are rarely awarded). A graduate assistant typically supports instruction, research, or administrative duties beneficial both to the appointee's professional development and to the School of TLC. To apply, please submit the Graduate Assistantship Application (linked from the Graduate Student Services Forms page) to the School’s Business Manager, Sherry Ernsberger: sernsber@kent.edu.

Important additional information:

  • Admission to a graduate program does not come with funding, financial aid, or the guarantee of a graduate assistantship. Admissions and funding are two different processes.
  • You must be fully admitted to the graduate program and have applied for an assistantship by March 31st to qualify for full consideration for a graduate assistantship within the Curriculum & Instruction Program. It is to your advantage to apply early; once funds have been expended, no further assistantships will be awarded.
  • Assistantships are typically awarded for the academic year (starting in August and ending in May).
  • Offers of assistantships are based on both the qualifications of the applicants, and the positions and funds available within the School during a given year. We receive applications from many more qualified applicants than we are able to support with our limited resources. Because of this, you might not receive an assistantship even if you have been fully admitted to the graduate program and submit your assistantship application correctly and on time.