Undergraduate Research Opportunities

What better way to learn about science than by doing it?

Undergraduates in the Department of Earth Sciences have the opportunity to conduct research on real world problems in a number of ways. Students can also , working with a faculty mentor and their graduate students on research projects, or work on externally funded research projects in the lab or out in the field. Some opportunities may lead to presentations at scientific meetings or publication of results in the open literature. Projects can also involve international travel. Some recent student projects include field work in the North American west, Europe, South America and Australia, or oceanographic work in the Arctic, Atlantic, and South Pacific.

Undergraduate Research is an excellent way for students to gain the experience needed to land a competitive internship, get hired in their first job, or gain admittance to graduate school.

In consultation with a faculty mentor and the department Chair, eligible students can propose an Individual Investigation in Earth Sciences (ESCI 40096) and earn up to 3 credits toward their degree, or complete a Senior Honors Thesis as partial fulfillment of their Honors Degree. Students interested in completing a Senior Honors Thesis should find a faculty mentor and contact the Honors College no later than during their first semester as a Junior.

Here are some links to help you get started:

Funding sources for Undergraduate Research: