Romy Anderson Receives 2022 Emerge Award

Romy Anderson, senior studio art major, was recently announced as one of the ’s (ATA) Emerge Award recipients for 2022. This award is a membership award program that recognizes university students who have an interest in tapestry. University textile programs are asked to select one student who has shown potential in using tapestry techniques in their projects for the award. Students receive a one-year membership in ATA, which includes the online journal, “Tapestry Topics.”  Each student will also be recognized in the journal and an image of one of their tapestries will be included.

“This piece was created in the spring of 2020 at the outset of the lockdown caused by the covid. Living at home required me to become creative with materials and processes, drawing on the resourcefulness of traditional weavers. Most of the yarns used were short scrap pieces, which influenced my color choices, but still gave me a good correspondence between light and dark. One weaving reveals a more predictable order indicative of my initial college experience.  The other half contains a more disordered and less predictable composition that expressed my experience during the pandemic,” said Romy of her submitted artwork (pictured above).

Image: Rosemary (Romy) Anderson, "Intersections," 2020. 9.5 in x 9.5 in each pane. Scrap yarns.

POSTED: Friday, May 13, 2022 11:06 AM
UPDATED: Sunday, October 06, 2024 02:54 AM