
School of Media and Journalism
Emily Metzgar photo with Jargon overlay

Raytevia Evans

Collaboration and teamwork have been the common threads that have led Kent State Media and Journalism alumna Raytevia Evans, M.A. ‘12, through teaching English abroad, graduate school, work as an education reporter and now, as a public information officer. She says that every time she’s produced work she’s proud of, it has been the result of a group project. 

Dana White

In America, conversations about grief and loss are often avoided, and in art, tend to be sugarcoated, or even “corny.”

Kent State Assistant Professor and independent filmmaker Dana White is changing that narrative through her work, and was recently recognized by the Ohio Arts Council.

Ailene Joven with Media and Journalism faculty Dana White and Chris Knoblock

As a digital media production student, Ailene Joven, '21, began creating the short film “Define” during the early days of COVID-19. Several years later, that film is set to be screened at the Cleveland International Film Festival (CIFF) on March 28, 2023.

Headshot of Peter Bobkowski with Franklin Hall in Background

Peter Bobkowski will join the School of Media and Journalism this fall as լƵAPP’s second Knight Chair in Scholastic Journalism, dedicated to leading national efforts to revitalize journalism in the nation's high schools.

Laura Gordon

Laura Gordon, '87, had such a fulfilling experience as a լƵAPP student, that she now gives back so that others may find their way to the types of relationships and encounters that helped set her on her path. “I think it’s really important to give back when you’ve experienced such valuable support so it’s always been really important to me to be part of that,” she said.