5 - 12.6

Administrative policy on student organization use of university and rental vehicles

  1. Policy statement. As a condition of being recognized by Kent state university as a registered student organization within the center for student involvement, each student organization expressly agrees only to use vehicles provided by the university fleet services or through a university-sponsored rental company, and to be subject to all university policies and procedures regarding such activity including but not limited to this rule and rule 3342-5-12.601 of this Administrative Code.
  2. Definitions.
    1. For the purposes of this policy, "university-sponsored rental company," shall mean a company engaged by the university in a formal agreement for the provision of rental vehicles for the use of official university business and programming.
  3. Scope. This policy applies to all formally registered student organizations under university policy, including but not limited to, rules 3342-4-01.2 and 3342-4-01.201 of this Administrative Code.
  4. Implementation.
    1. Prohibition. Registered student organizations are prohibited from using, renting, or otherwise procuring fifteen-passenger vans for any organization event, activity, or purpose whatsoever, whether from the university fleet services, university-sponsored rental company, or other third-party.
    2. Authorization. Authorization for in-state travel will be made by the center for student involvement. Authorization for out-of-state travel will be made jointly by the center for student involvement and the associate vice president and dean of students. Authorization will be considered only when the criteria listed below are met.
    3. Criteria for use of university and rental vehicles by student organizations
      1. This policy applies only to the use of university vehicles and rental vehicles by registered student organizations.
      2. In order to proceed with the approvals required for the use of university vehicles and rental vehicles under this policy, the registered student organization must demonstrate to the center for student involvement that it has sufficient finances to cover the cost of vehicle usage/rental.
      3. All operators of the vehicle must be registered students, eighteen years of age with valid U.S. operator's licenses. Passengers in the vehicle must also be current students, staff, faculty, or other persons participating in official university programs on the campus. All participants must sign any other forms as may be required by from the center for student involvement prior to departure. Such forms must be turned in to the center for student involvement prior to departure by the student organization.
      4. The organization must receive approval for use of a university or rental vehicle by the center for student involvement. Approval will be granted solely on the basis of whether the intended use of the university or rental vehicle pertains to the official business of the university and all the above criteria are met.
    4. Any authorization granted by the university in accordance with this policy is solely for the purpose of ensuring that the student organization has followed the procedures set forth herein and any such authorization and shall not be interpreted to mean that the university has in any way reviewed, approved or consented to the circumstances of the travel itself, or has agreed in any way to be responsible for any actions taken by the student organization, driver, passengers, or any third party during the course of the travel.
  5. Violations.
    Student organizations, or members thereof, found in violation of this policy may be subject to loss of registration provisions under paragraph (E) of rule 3342-4-01.201 of the Administrative Code or may be subject to further disciplinary action under the student code of conduct including, but not limited to, rules 3342-4-02 and 3342-4-02.1 of the Administrative Code.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
10/26/1979, 8/18/1995, 3/7/2000, 6/1/2007, 9/8/2013