7 - 02.6

Administrative policy regarding payment of stipend for moving expenses of newly hired employees

  1. Policy statement. In an effort to recruit highly qualified employees to join Kent state university, the university may offer candidates a stipend to defray the costs of relocation. A one-time stipend for moving expenses is shall be permissible when it is deemed necessary in order to negotiate a satisfactory offer of appointment for senior level administrative positions, faculty positions or athletic coaches. In order to ensure equity and judicious use of university resources, this rule is intended to set forth consistent and appropriate guidelines for approving the payment of moving expenses for newly-hired faculty and staff members.
  2. Eligibility. A newly-appointed faculty or staff member may be eligible for a one-time stipend if accepting a full-time position at the university requires that person to move their household more than fifty miles. The appointing authority shall determine when appropriate and must include the amount of the stipend in the appointment offer letter or employment agreement form.
  3. Determination of amount. The amount of the stipend shall be determined by the appointing authority in consultation with human resources. The stipend shall not exceed one month’s wages and is subject to the availability of funds under the control of the appointing authority. In rare instances, circumstances may dictate a higher stipend which should be approved by the senior vice president for finance and administration.
  4. Method of payment. The stipend shall be processed as a lump sum payment with the employee’s regular payroll and shall be taxed in accordance with IRS regulations at the current supplemental rate.
  5. Recovery of payment. If the newly-hired individual leaves university employment before one year of service, the employee shall be responsible for remitting to the university one-half of the value of the stipend paid under this rule through a deduction from that individual's final paycheck. It is the responsibility of the appointing authority to ensure recovery of payments under this paragraph.
Policy Effective Date:
Jun 03, 2019
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
6/8/1998, 6/1/2007, 8/22/2008, 3/01/2015