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Celebrating 50 Years of Glass

Glass Blowing Studio

Kent State’s Studio Glass Program, one of the first of its kind in the country, was started in 1969 by Henry Halem, professor emeritus and cofounder of the Glass Art Society. 

To celebrate the program’s 50th anniversary, KSU’s School of Art Collection and Galleries presented three exhibitions featuring local and national artists (Kent State Glass@50, Emerging Glass, Tim Stover (MFA ’13): Linear Integration) which were on view September through early October at galleries on and off campus. 

In addition, the celebration included a lecture, “The History of Kent State’s Glass Program,” by founding director Henry Halem, a curator talk on Kent State Glass@50 by current director and assistant professor Davin Ebanks and visiting artist lectures. See more information.


Special "K" | Summer Discoveries | Goldwater Scholars | Meet the Kent State Class of 2023 | 50th Commemoration of May 4, 1970 | Noteworthy | Celebrating 50 Years of Glass | A Time to Give | Accelerating Takeoff


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POSTED: Monday, November 11, 2019 11:18 AM
Updated: Saturday, December 3, 2022 01:02 AM