Client Profile: Audrey Ernst

A client who embodies the phrase "sharing is caring." 

Audrey Ernst is an entrepreneur focused on the sweet things in life. Her passion for baking and sharing are what inspired her business, Audrey’s Baked Creations LLC, and since starting in 2019 she has grown a very authentic and successful brand. We got the chance to hear more about Audrey’s experiences as an entrepreneur, the lessons she’s learned along the way, and how LaunchNET’s microgrants helped boost her confidence.


5 Things You Need to Know Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵAPP Audrey:

  • Made custom cake pops for LaunchNET’s 10 year anniversary event (editor's note: the lemon flavor was chef’s kiss) 
  • Has festive holiday treats available on
  • Is currently in her junior year as an Entrepreneurship major
  • Has goals of taking Audrey’s Baked Goods on the road 
  • A very giving, focused individual that puts care into everything she does and has a customer first approach with all her business endeavors


How would you describe yourself in three words?

I’d say positive, outgoing, and motivated. 

Can you share some background on how your entrepreneurial journey started and where you are now?

Well growing up I was unsure of what I wanted to do. I realized I enjoyed making and sharing food with others, it was my way to show people how much I cared about them, and I wanted to continue doing that. Summer of 2019 is when I started up Audrey’s Baked Creations and at the time it was something I just did for friends and family. Once I got to college I started considering more of the business side of things and decided to pursue that, majoring in entrepreneurship.

The past couple summers I’ve really been able to grow this into something more. I’ve connected with a lot of people, even done custom orders for big events, and been part of several vendor shows – which was huge for business and LaunchNET actually helped with those through the microgrant. 

cookie trays
cake pops

That's great to hear! Could you expand on how the microgrant helped?

For sure. The microgrant was huge for the business, and for me, it made me feel more professional and like a legitimate business. I was able to purchase company shirts, a display case, and marketing items for the display; all of which really added to the professionalism of my setup and made me feel more confident talking to customers.

audrey at a vendor event

What are your future goals with this venture?

 I really want to branch off and start a separate business that is mobile, like a food truck, that features my baked creations. This option would be convenient for the customer since I could go to them, but it also gives me a chance to scope out different areas where I may eventually want to have a storefront.

What is your proudest career moment?

I think setting up at events are my proudest moments. It’s just so cool to have that moment of realization that this is my job. I get to interact with people, see them enjoy my creations, and connect with others part of the small business community. I’m really proud to be part of that.

Is there anything you would do differently? If so, what?

Maybe taking things seriously earlier on, I didn’t really start focusing on the business until college. But I do believe everything that has happened up to this point has been a learning opportunity.

What’s the most valuable thing you learned along your journey?

I’d say just to believe in yourself. I’ve learned so much with this being my first venture and I know all of that will help me in the future.

What advice would you give to students pursuing an idea?

To go for it and take advantage of every opportunity the university offers. There’s so many people out there willing to give advice and share resources…if you take that initial leap, others will be there to help support you.

How would you describe the entrepreneurial mindset?

I think the entrepreneurial mindset is all about pushing through. There will be hard moments, things you don’t understand, and things that won’t work out…but as long as you’re trying your best and putting your best foot forward, you can be successful. Success looks different for everyone and you can be successful in your own right.

What's something that makes you happy?

This organization on campus that I’m part of, called CHAARG. We are a group of women that prioritize our mental health and wellness together. We meet on a weekly basis and it’s been one of the best parts of my college experience. It’s a really supportive group that I’ve made a lot of friends through and this year I’m an ambassador.

Do you have a tagline for your life?

 Life isn’t a race. I take things one day at a time and focus on not comparing myself to others.

If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

You know, I really take pride in being a woman and a woman entrepreneur, so I’d be a lioness. They’re leaders of the pack and I identify with that.


Thank you, Audrey, for sitting down with us! You have so much energy and positivity surrounding your business and we’re so looking forward to your future plans. Hoping to have an Audrey’s Baked Creations mobile unit at our future events.


POSTED: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 01:19 PM
UPDATED: Sunday, October 06, 2024 12:24 PM
Alizeh Khalifa