Promote Your Event or Organization

Digital Advertising with KSCtv:

Utilize the many digital screens around the Kent Student Center to get your message out. Ads reserved with KSCtv for the Kent Student Center will be displayed on the large outdoor LED screen, video wall, and several individual monitors.

KSCtv General Information:

  • Submit your KSCtv Reservation Request to KSCAdvertising@kent.edu with the subject line KSCtv. 
  • Departments and student organizations can request ONE (1) week per semester. The reason we limit it is to allow other university departments and student organizations the opportunity to also use the space. If you would like additional weeks, the request will be added to a waiting list. 
  • Reservations run for ONE (1) week, Monday (midnight) to Sunday (11:59 p.m.).
  • Ads are displayed in a three (3) minute loop with ten (10) seconds per ad.  
  • The reservation includes the big LED board between the student center and the Kiva, as well as all the TVs inside the student center.  
  • At this time, there is not a charge to reserve space on the digital screens. 


  • Artwork is due the Monday before the week of your reservation.
  • Font are recommended to be NO SMALLER than size 12 pt.
  • Templates are available upon request, in the following formats: InDesign, Photoshop, PowerPoint, and Publisher
  • Files display in landscape presentation 
  • File sizes by location:
    • 1600 x 900 pixel (.jpeg)
    • 1024 x 768 pixel (.jpeg)
    • 1920 x 1080 pixel (.jpeg)  - LED Screen, see best practices below.  

Here are some best practices for the LED screen. It seems big, but it doesn't display large amounts of content well.

  • Copy should be limited to event name, date, time location and 10-12 word description.
  • Font sizes should be minimum 100 pt. (based on brand fonts)
  • Logos won’t be legible unless they are a minimum 750 pixels tall.

  Videos and Animations:

  • Video and animated files MUST be a MWV file. (The KSCtv system does not currently support audio, please plan accordingly.)